We were honored to welcome Very Rev. Fr.Lalith Perera the Procurator General of the Archdiocese of Colombo for blessing us in this New year with a prayer. May the Blessing of God for this New Year 2025 bring Hope, Joy, a...
The "Annual Thanksgiving Mass", which is organized by our staff every year to give thanks for everything we have received and not received from God over the past 24 years and to mark the 12th anniversary of our arrival a...
Birthday Celebration of General Manager - Rowen Sarap Sir... Happy Birthday to you Sir..... 50th Golden Birthday Celebration of our General Manager with SCK Family at our head Office. ...
Fulfilling our obligations
As one united SCK family, we have been carrying out various CSR projects, fulfilling our obligation towards society. To this end, we will not shy away from doing our best towards society at all times with the available resources.
As one, united SCK Family,we have been carrying outAnnual Blood
Donation Campaigns, Alms Giving’s,Helping hand with elderly homes and Working hand in hand with the relevant authorities at times of natural disasters, to name a few. We have an obligation towards the society and will not shy away from doing our best with available means at all times.